Welcome to NCETSDL - 2023...

This 21st century has become a digital era, posing a number of changes and challenges in the libraries for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the libraries. The present users cum stakeholders of the library expect the latest technologies and innovative services to be available for their academic and other usages. The users are highly expertise in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Users need to use the e-resources, e-learning platforms, social media applications and ICT in the libraries efficiently, for which the librarians need to be skilled in the use of new technologies. This conference aims at equipping the LIS professionals from the public, the academic, and the special libraries, bringing all of them together under one platform. At the end of the conference, all the LIS professionals will get a clear idea on adopting new technologies in their libraries, enabling them to be self-reliant in learning and administrative aspects, and this is the outcome envisaged through this conference.

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